On Tuesday, TVP provided the first important information about this year's Eurovision, specifically about the selection of Poland's representative for this contest. The preliminary elections will be held differently compared to last year.

Let's remind you that a year ago – after the votes of the spectators and the evaluation of the jury, he went to Liverpool with a white-red flag. blank And his song “Solo”. This caused great emotions among the fans of the event. There were many words of outrage.

Eurovision 2024 preliminary selection

It will be held in a few months 68th Eurovision contest. What will the preliminary elections be like this time?

Already last Monday TVP announced that a wider audience will soon learn about the new rules. “Eurovision 2024 in Malmö is coming soon. Stay tuned because tomorrow there will be important news about this event,” TVP posted on Facebook.

And so we Tuesday's edition of “Questions for Breakfast” It was reported that the representative of Poland Eurovision 2024 Selected thanks to internal pre-selection. What does it mean?

Artists can send their songs to Polish TV and a specially appointed commission will decide “behind closed doors” who will go to Malmö in May. You can apply until Friday, February 2, 22:00.

Also published are the regulations that those interested must follow in order to participate Pre-selection. We are talking about the basic rules, that is, the candidate must be over 16 years old and have Polish citizenship.

The work submitted to the competition cannot be longer than 3 minutes, must have original music, lyrics and be a premiere (published after September 1, 2023). The composition of the competition commission will be announced only in February, after the selection of the representative.

This year, many Polish artists expressed their desire to go to the competition organized in Sweden. He was among the candidates for representing Poland Justyna Stechkovska and he Song “WITCH-ER Tarohoro”. The singer has already submitted it to “Dream New Year's Eve with two”.

In addition to Stechkovska, the following will compete for participation in Eurovision 2024: Markin Macejac17-year-old winner of “The Voice Kids” too Janwhose loss in last year's primary angered some fans of the competition.

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