– The African Church has no problem with the theology of the Beatitudes presented by V “Fiducia supplicans” declaration. Blessing is a common practice in Africa. There is only one point in this document that they cannot use, and that is the blessing of homosexual couples, says the cardinal. Fridolin Ambongo. On January 12, with the approval of the Pope, he published a letter confirming that the Church does not bless same-sex couples in Africa.

Unanimity of bishops

Speaking to Vatican Radio, Cardinal Ambongo emphasized the unanimity of the continent's bishops on the issue, as evidenced by the reactions of individual African bishops. – Everyone unanimously affirms communion with Pope Francis as a factor of communion and unity in the Church; All are unanimous in admitting that this document has caused frustration and anxiety among believers and pastors; Everyone believes that it is impossible to use the part of the “Fiducia supplicans” that deals with the blessing of homosexual couples, said the Metropolitan of Kinshasa.

Cardinal Ambongo noted that the announcement of the declaration created a very difficult situation in Africa. Therefore, as president of the local bishops and also a member of the council of cardinals, he decided to take responsibility for it and come to Rome.

– I asked not individual bishops, priests or believers, but bishops' conferences to express their opinion – says the cardinal. Ambongo. – This allowed us to create a common file, so that many votes were not scattered. It was the episcopal conferences giving their opinion and I summarized all their reactions. But I am not only the president of the symposium of the bishops' conferences of Africa and Madagascar, I am also a member of the council of cardinals, C9, or adviser to the Pope, and it is in this capacity that I came to him. . I spoke to him, I spoke to the Prefect of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, and it was at the end of that conversation, in consultation with the Pope and the Prefect of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, that I signed my message, he added.

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Bishops of Mozambique: Priests do not bless same-sex couples

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