A few hours later, 9 Onet learned that the police had already received a court order ordering him to do so. Bringing convicts Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik were arrested.

The police tried to stop Vesik

The website Niezalezna.pl reported that the police did indeed appear in front of Maciej Wąsik's house on Tuesday morning, but could not find the politician.

However, “Fact” established that Vesik left the house early in the morning and his son “blocked the car” for journalists who wanted to follow him.

As for Mariusz Kaminski, according to journalists, a car from the president's office came to pick him up. PiS politicians are invited to 11 presidential palaces.

Before that, due to the great public interest in the case, the police published a notice on the X website.


Will they go to prison with Kaminski?

On Monday, the Warsaw-Shrodmieski District Court decided not to accept applications for refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings. The court also decided to prepare statements in court, where they face 2 years of imprisonment.

We remind you that in March 2015, the court of first instance sentenced Kaminski and Vesik to 3 years in prison. for overstepping his authority and illegal operational activities of the CBA as part of the land scandal in 2007. Kaminski and Wąsik disagree with the verdict.

In 2015, President Andrzej Duda pardoned Kaminski and Wasik, who had not yet been legally convicted, sparking a legal dispute.

More than eight years later, the case is back in court following the Supreme Court's June ruling. Following cassation appeals filed by assistant prosecutors, the Supreme Court in the Criminal Chamber overturned in March 2016 the dismissal of the former CBA leaders' case in response to the amnesty law used by President Duda by the Warsaw District Court. Re-examination case.

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