Penny Pritzker, Special Envoy for Economic Recovery in Ukraine, will travel to Warsaw on January 11 to highlight US-Poland cooperation in Ukraine's economic recovery. In Warsaw, Special Envoy Pritzker will meet with senior Polish government officials, including President Duda and Foreign Minister Sikorski. They will discuss the support of the Polish government and the private sector to Ukraine and the importance of economic assistance to Ukraine as it defends itself against Putin's aggression,” reads a press release published on the State Department's website.

Pritzker is a former Secretary of Commerce under the presidency Barack Obamaand since September of last year, he is responsible, among other things, for the mobilization of private and state funds for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

“Working step by step with the Ukrainian authorities, our allies and partners, international financial institutions and the private sector, (Pritzker) will lead the United States' efforts to rebuild the Ukrainian economy,” Joe Biden said a few months ago. by

As reminds us – Pritzker is “a member of the wealthy Jewish Pritzker family from Ukraine, among others, the founders of the Hyatt hotel chain. His brother, JB Pritzker, is the governor of Illinois.”

Reconstruction of Ukraine

At the same time, the Congress is fighting for further military support for Kiev. US National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John KirbyIn December, it reported that the US had enough money left to fund only one arms package for Ukraine. The only way out of this situation is additional funding appropriated by Congress. And the chances of that are decreasing day by day.

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