Are you waiting for the decision of the Supreme Court?

Maciej Wąsik: We are waiting for the decision of the Supreme Court and we hope that justice will prevail and the court will cancel the decision of Marshal Holovnia. This was done against the law. In this case, in which the Warsaw District Court tried to pass judgment, we were pardoned. President Andrzej Duda graciously closed the proceedings; All doubts were resolved by the Constitutional Tribunal, which ruled that the President could do so.

Is the decision of the Warsaw District Court a political decision?

Of course, this is a political judgment. Unfortunately, there is a side of the judicial community, concentrated especially in the Iustita Association, which is fanatically anti-PiS. As the first decision in 2015, then-judge Łączewski was an anti-PiS fanatic, which he expressed in various conversations revealed by journalists and still is. On December 20, 2023, two things happened – Kaminski and Vesik were sentenced, and Sienkiewicz's people went public. The coincidence is obvious. This judgment is political, I am sure of that. If they want to put us in prison, we will be political prisoners.

How do you rate Marshall Holonia's attitude?

He does whatever Donald Tusk tells him. At some point, Donald Tusk will thank him and Holonia will be left with various criminal cases filed against him, not against Tusk. Holovnia repeats that he wants to be president, but takes away his presidential prerogatives. Something is wrong here. In my opinion, it is Tusk's weapon.

Do you feel supported by your political environment?

Yes, I feel it and it is important to me. Many people show this support. I am sure we will win this case. We have mandates based on the will of the voters. We have not done anything wrong, we have not committed a crime. We were in pursuit of a crime. Because of this, Donald Tusk tried to punish us already in his first position, when Mariusz Kaminski came to him with materials depicting the gambling scandal. Then it was decided that it was necessary to find something on Kaminskiego Street. Prosecutors under Tusk have set up proceedings in which they could try to bring charges against him. So it started in 2009.

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(tags translated)maciej wąsik

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