Bartosz Żukowsky, known for his role as Waldusz Kiefski, almost disappeared from public life due to personal problems. However, recently he gave an honest interview to Plejada, where he talked about this difficult period. Divorce with Eva Kohl caused a crash and depression. The actor also spoke about his relationship with his ex-wife.

Bartosz Zhukowski suffered for a long time due to a stormy divorce. “hell”

Bartosz Zhukowski He has been playing the role since 1999 Waldeck KiefskyThat is, the son of Ferdek (Andrzej Grabowski) and Halina (Marzena Kipiel-Stuka) in the series. “The World According to Kiefsky”. The actor rarely appears in the media and does not appear in many productions, mainly focusing on theater work.

The actor fell in love Eva Kol few years ago. In 2009, the couple welcomed their son into the world Daughter Paula. Unfortunately, their marriage did not last. They fought for almost six years Court dispute Regarding my daughter's custody division and property issues.

After ending this difficult battle with her ex-husband, Kol opened up to a new love. She married a musician Cube of Yoriadwho was in a relationship with Kasia Kowalska (with whom he has a daughter Aleksandra) in the 1990s.

In the latest interview given to Plejada, Zhukovsky not only talked about working on the set of the popular TV series, but also about personal issues. The actor stressed that he is not attracted to show business, because, as he claims, he is accused by many journalists and he no longer wants to create such negative emotions for himself.

He emphasized that he had read many lies about himself. Most of them were about my divorce, or family and custody proceedings, which were going on in public. I don't know how illiterate a journalist you have to be not to understand this,” said the actor.

My loved ones suffered. They knew what was true, but their friends and neighbors did not. And they believed that what the media reported was true. It was written that I was a terrible father, I was not interested in my son, and I would go to prison for non-payment of alimony.. It was all a lie,” he said.

“Then if there was a grain of truth, maybe I would have understood it somehow. But the situation was completely opposite, which made me even more disappointed. I always took care of my daughter at least alternately, and there were times when Paula spent more time with me. Basically, I raised her“- he assured.

Zhukovsky was also asked Divorce background, which lasted several years. “About 30 hearings were held in total. What happened in their time was straight out of Orwell's books. They tried to tell me that white is black and black is white. The decisions were made in clear violation of the provisions of the law, and the proceedings were conducted in violation of the code of conduct. One mistake led to another. And since I studied law, I know a little about it,” he said.

The actor added: “I hope the new government will change that. Because I can't call myself anything else. Curiosity and scandal“. Zhukovsky does not hide that the separation had a strong effect on his psyche. He was in a really bad situation, he went for help.

“I knew I had a child that I had to take care of, I couldn't spoil it, I had to act, it turned out that I had one. Depression. I did therapy and took medicine And I managed to beat him. Today I am not ashamed to talk about it,” he confided. Today, the actor looks to the future with hope.

I've been through hell, but finally, after all the turmoil in my life, I got it straight. I believe that the biggest earthquakes are behind us,” he said The actor who plays the role of Waldusz Kiefski.

Zhukovsky betrayed him What is his relationship with his ex-wife today?. “Some time passed, Paula went to high school and our relationship is really good. We work great togetherWhich makes me very happy,” he assured.

We share Paula's care for half and half With my ex-wife. We really like spending time together. My daughter is a teenager, so I can't teach her too much, but I'm proud because by watching her, I can see that I've been able to instill a lot of values ​​in her. I know that all the efforts I put into his upbringing were not in vain,” he said.

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