Last week, a tragic incident took place in Mezov near Kartuzi. The train hit a passenger car on the tracks. The driver of the Skoda was Jolanta, who, according to initial reports, probably died as a result of the accident. As it turned out later, the investigators took into account another cause of death. The decision was made recently in the case of a woman suspected of murdering her husband.

An important decision regarding the death of Jolanta K. from Kartuz

The irony of the death plot Jolanta K. from the cartouche It happened less than 24 hours after the incident. We remind you that the tragedy happened on Wednesday (January 10) at the railway crossing in Mezów, Pomeranian Voivodeship. Initially, the investigators considered it an accident because the woman's body was found in the driver's seat of the car destroyed by the train. Later, they found traces of the 31-year-old's blood in the trunk of the car.

On Friday (January 12) the autopsy of the body of Jolanta K. was conducted at the Forensic Medicine Institution – The injuries that led to the woman's death were not the result of a traffic accident. These are head injuries caused by foreign hands, blunt instrument – said prosecutor Gražina Vavryniuk, spokesperson of the District Prosecutor's Office Gdańsk.

Suspicion in the case fell on the 35-year-old husband, Tomasz K., whom the victim was said to be estranged from.

According to Fakt (based on PAP), this was decided by the court Three months of imprisonment man. – In order to hide the crime, the suspect put the woman in the trunk and left her in the car on the track, which was then hit by a train – Vavrynuk told PAP.

The crime allegedly took place in the premises of a beauty salon. – The investigators kept track of the living room throughout the night until 4 o'clock in the morning – one of the people living next to the living room told “Fakt”.

The mysterious death of a Pole in the Netherlands

As we previously wrote in naTemat, the body of a 39-year-old Polish man was found in the Leidshendam city park. Dutch services under the guidance of the prosecutor are trying to determine the cause of the man's death and do not rule out the possibility of murder. According to the witness, the Pole's face was mutilated.

In November of last year, we reported another The mysterious death of our compatriot in the Netherlands. 40-year-old Rafal On November 3, he died in a Dutch hospital after a sudden deterioration in his health.

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