in December Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik were sentenced Two-year imprisonment is the final punishment for the so-called land scandal. That is why Seim Speaker Shimon Holovnia signed the decision to terminate their parliamentary mandates. Vesik and Kaminski disagree with the verdict, and the whole case has stirred emotions in the political arena.

Wąsik: I was not convicted

Maciej Wąsik appeared on Radio Wnet on Friday, where he presented his point of view on the matter. During the conversation, he explained that he was not actually convicted, and the December court decision was a clear legal act.

– The court was not lucky. This judgment is clear, as the Supreme Court noted yesterday that the pardon of Mariusz Kaminski, me and two other CBA officers by President Duda in 2015 is valid, valid and therefore we retain our parliamentary mandate and do not have a criminal case. Record – announced Vesik.

He added that this meant, among other things, that the decision to terminate his and Mariusz Kaminski's mandates constituted an attempt to terminate them, but was ineffective under the law. Vesik also explained that the appeal of the sentence should be referred to the Extraordinary Control Chamber and not to the Labor Chamber, as Marshal Holovnia did.

– We were sentenced in 2015 in front of such a judge, in front of an anti-PiS fanatic, for the fight against corruption, because we conducted an operation aimed at corruption in the PiS government, – the politician said later in the conversation.

Supreme Court: Pardon is effective

On Thursday, the prosecutor's office submitted a petition to the court Statement on termination of enforcement proceedings Kaminski and Vesik were also granted a stay of execution in connection with the current clemency law.

Earlier, the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the speaker of the Seimas regarding the expiration of the mandate of deputy Vasik.

However, the opponents of the changes made in the judicial system during the PiS government claim that the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court is only the so-called Judges, which is why, according to some Supreme Courts and European Tribunals, it is not a court.

The power of the President to pardon and return the case to court

In March 2015, the court of first instance sentenced Kaminski and Vesik to 3 years in prison. for overstepping his authority and illegal operational activities of the CBA as part of the land scandal in 2007. Kaminsky then opined that the verdict “contradicts the basic sense of justice, is strange, grossly unfair and incomprehensible.”

I feel completely innocentwhich acted in the name of public interests, the interests of the Polish state – still maintains today.

In 2015, President Andrzej Duda pardoned Kaminski and Vesik, who were convicted at the time.

More than eight years later, the case is back in court following the Supreme Court's June ruling. Following cassation appeals filed by assistant prosecutors, the Supreme Court in the Criminal Chamber overturned in March 2016 the dismissal of the former CBA leaders' case in response to the amnesty law used by President Duda by the Warsaw District Court. Re-examination case.

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