A day later, the barriers in front of the Sejm disappeared. Marshal Szymon Holownia emphasized that they were brought up only because of PiS's “March of Free Poles” in Warsaw on Thursday. – This was an agreement with the police – said the leader of Poland 2050.

On Thursday (12/01) they appeared again before the Sejm metal railings, which surrounded the parliament building during the rule of the United Rightists. This sparked a wave of criticism among law and justice politicians who blamed Marshall for Shimon Holavniathat he broke his promise.

Barriers in front of the Sejm disappeared again

The Sejm authorities explained that the temporary return of the barriers was related to the PiS demonstration organized in front of the Sejm on Thursday. Head of the office Jacek Chichok According to him, there were signals that “there could be aggressive people at the rally, that they would appear against the intention of the organizers of the rally.”

It started on Friday morning Breaking down barriers. The information was spread by a member of the Parliament of the Civil Coalition on Platform X Markin Iosefaciuk.

“It was an agreement with the police”

In an interview with TVN24, Marshal Holovnia stated that “it was an agreement with the police”. He also said that, as he said before, the parliament building will no longer be separated from society.

– The barriers have disappeared, they will not be separated from people for 8 years, – he emphasized.

The barriers around the parliament building on Wieisk Street were erected in December 2016 year, because of the protest wave of citizens in front of the Seimas. Due to the plan to limit the work of journalists in the Seimas and exclude the civil platform deputy from the process. Michal ScherbaThe opposition blocked the tribune of the parliament.

the then marshal Marek Kuczynski Sessions of the Seimas resumed in Sveti hall. Then a civil protest wave appeared in the streets of Warsaw, which was mainly held on Wiejski Street.

After the change of government, November 13, 2023 Barriers remained Dismantling by citizens. The symbolic action was filmed and accompanied by the meaningful hashtag “#SejmIsOurs”. The spontaneous dismantling of the barriers caused a great stir in the media.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/524002,po-7-latach-zniknely-barierki-odgradzajace-sejm-rozmontowali-je-obywatele

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