On Thursday, “Law and Justice” organized a demonstration in front of the Sejm with the slogan “Protest of free Poles”. According to the organizers, 200,000 people gathered there. people.

– There are hundreds of thousands of us here. Thanks for that. Together we are strong, together we are one and together we will overcome this evil that spread after just 29 days – said Mateusz Morawiecki in his speech referring to the government of Donald Tusk.

See how they work. Just 29 days and already there is an attack on free media and human dignity. We already have political prisoners in Poland. Shame on the Republic of Poland! – thundered the former prime minister, referring to the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Morawiecki added that both PiS politicians “are in prison for fighting corruption.” – This is something extraordinary (…), so let them hear our cry: we are with you! Maciek, Mariusz, we will not leave you! We will be with you (…), we will not let go of what this government has done. We will hold them accountable for all their crimes, sins, and all that they do. Let them remember that, he stressed.

– Poland should have smiled, but we have this insidious smile, the hateful smile of Tusk's joker. Everyone sees what is happening around them. In order to capture the free media, they did not hesitate to liquidate this media. In order to completely take over Poland, will they not delay the liquidation of Poland? Let's ask ourselves this question (…), let's protect Poland! – he asked.

– The rule of law should have been returned, but what we have is lawlessness. There should have been democracy and freedom, but we have democracy. Poland was supposed to be friendly and smiling, but we are a hateful Poland. It should have been Europe, but Belarus! – she said.

Morawiecki pointed to the return of barriers in front of the Seimas: – These are no longer those fascist barriers. These are good, smiling, European barriers of Tusk and Holonie.

Morawiecki to the voters of the third way: are you sure to vote for such a government?

The former prime minister also appealed to the voters of the third way. – Did you really vote for the government that attacked the courts in less than a month? Yes, the courts. Look at Bodnar's provision. For a government that fights free media, that wants a media monopoly so that all important media speak with one voice? – he argued.

– Dear third way voters, will there be a third term for TD Tusk? Should this pave the way for those who say back: “There is no money and there will be no money, there is no social policy, there is no equalization of opportunities”? Morawiecki asked.

– If the answer to this question is positive, it is worth thinking about whether this choice was right, because we need you too. Everyone who wants the good of Poland, who really has Poland in their heart, not on a plastic sticker – he said.

– Our protest, our march, which will soon be here in front of the office of the Prime Minister, unfortunately Prime Minister Tusk, is a very important first step towards a big change – said Morawiecki.

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