In a note posted on Platform X on Wednesday evening, Netanyahu noted that the armed forces were clashing with Hamas terrorists. At the same time, he tried to convince her They are not fighting the Palestinian people. He also claimed that everything was done in accordance with international law.

Netanyahu: Israel is not going to occupy forever

Netanyahu recalled that the strategic goal of the Israeli forces “is to clear Gaza of terrorists and release the hostages.” “Once this is done, the Gaza Strip will be able to be demilitarized and de-radicalized, thus creating an opportunity for a better future for both Israel and the Palestinians,” the Israeli politician said. He emphasized that he is stating this “absolutely unequivocally”.

The US agency Reuters reported that the Israeli prime minister took a public stance for the first time against the call of his “extreme right-wing ministers” who demand the complete expulsion of the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.

In turn, Fox News recalled that Netanyahu's statement came at a time when the International Court of Justice is considering a complaint filed by the Republic of South Africa, which accuses Israel of the crime of genocide.

The future of the Gaza Strip

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant also announced a few days ago that he will end the war with Hamas The Gaza Strip is governed by Palestinian institutions.

However, the politician stipulated that this will happen as long as it does not pose a threat to the Jewish state. Tel Aviv, he said, “reserves the right to maintain operational freedom” in the Gaza Strip.

He added that Israeli military forces would retain their ability to operate, but there would be no Israeli “civilian presence” in the area.

We remind you that the vast majority of the victims of the Israeli campaign in the Gaza Strip are civilians. It is estimated that 90 percent of the more than two million residents of the Gaza Strip have been forced to flee their homes. The invasion was carried out on October 7 in response to a massive terrorist attack by Hamas.

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