Local elections will most likely be held on April 7 – Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced this at a press conference. The second round will be held two weeks later.

Prime Minister It was revealed that local elections can be held on April 7 of this year. Then on April 21, the second round of presidential and mayoral elections will be held.

– On the one hand, we have early ones ResurrectionOn the other hand, we want to avoid the risks of a long weekend,” he said at a press conference on Wednesday.

The head of the government also emphasized that the formations in the government should create the October 15 coalition.

– If it were up to me, I would go to the elections on October 15 with a coalition. But I will understand if our partners decide to start on their own, Donald Tusk said at a press conference. “I will not impose anything on small coalition parties,” he assured Leader Civic platform.

When are the elections?

According to the Election Code, the date of local self-government elections is set Prime Minister. They should be held no earlier than 4 months and no later than 3 months before the end of the term of office of the councils. The date of the elections “will be set on a non-working day, which will fall not earlier 30 days and not later 7 days before the end of the term of office of the councils.

This means that elections must be held After March 31, 2024 and no later than April 23. Possible dates are April 7, April 14 and April 21. In theory, it would also be possible on March 31, when Easter falls, and on April 1, because then comes Easter Monday, a public holiday.

A revolution in state forests

During the same conference Donald Tusk He said that in a few days all the formalities related to the change of the Director General of State Forests will be completed. The Prime Minister emphasized that our forests are “sacred and national good”.

– Josef Kubitsa, who is known for his partisanship State forests On an unprecedented scale, it will be canceled within a few days after the relevant decision of the Regional Council. Expectations for the new management are clear. They are related to the great need for social supervision of what is happening in our forests, said the head of the civil platform.

– Forest management is very important An important part of the phenomena of our forests, but forests are primarily a social good, a national good. I hope for the full involvement of ministries and local authorities in the social control of our forests, he added.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/534236,wojciech-kaluza-stracil-prace-zostal-odwolany-zarzadu-gorniczej-spolki

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