President Andrzej Duda V New Year message Published on New Year's Eve, it said, among other things, about the changes in Polish politics after the elections and the new government's takeover of public media.

– In free Poland, for the first time since 1989, there was an attempt to take control of the public media by force, to turn off the television signals of some channels and to stop broadcasting news programs. Finally, Polish television, Polish radio and Polish press agency were liquidated – the president noted.

He emphasized that “those in power can reform the public media, but it must be done in accordance with the law.” – I was always open to such discussions regarding legislative changes. However, I will never agree to violate the constitution. And that's the situation we're dealing with right now, unfortunately, Duda said.

TVP experts are merciless towards the president

The notification material for the new TVP was prepared by Witold Tabaka. It featured a positive comment from Witold Waszczykowski, the former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who said the president was “a statesman who is concerned about the current situation.” Additionally, Donald Tusk's entry on the portal

The following material presented the statements of lawyers who were supposed to act as independent experts. However, their statements were clearly critical of the president.

– The president's call to protect the principles of the democratic state and the constitution is completely unbelievable – said lawyer Michal Vavrikevich from the organization “Free Courts”, which strongly criticized PIS in the past.

Vavrikevic pointed to the President's signing of an act that stripped the National Broadcasting Council of its powers to select media powers (it was transferred to the National Media Council).

– Despite these violations, eight years ago candidates of law and justice easily occupied the positions of presidents of radio, PAP and television, – comments TVP journalist Witold Tabaka.

The TVP material also quoted: Known for his anti-PiS statements, Prof. Adam Strzembos: “President Duda repeatedly violated the constitution, once I started counting how many times, but I counted 13 times and waved my hand.”

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