Tuesday evening The police arrested him Former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration and former head of CBA Mariusz Kaminski and his former deputy Maciej Wąsik in the presidential palace.

The PiS politicians were sentenced to two years in prison by the final verdict. Land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after an indefinite sentence). Kaminski and Vesik do not recognize either the court verdict or the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandate.

Hermelinsky: We have a big problem

The expiration of the mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik was the main topic of Monday's meeting. Negotiations between President Andrzej Duda and the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia in the presidential palace.

– When it comes to Mr. Kaminski, there is no doubt. The Marshal of the Sejm may announce the decision to terminate the mandate and wait until the National Election Commission nominates candidates for the vacant seat in the Sejm, said Wojciech Hermelinski, former chairman of the National Election Commission (PKW), in an interview with Onet. .pl.

– However, the situation becomes much more complicated when it comes to Mr. Vasik. The Extraordinary Control Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled Marshall's decision to abolish the parliamentary mandate. “Yes, we know that this chamber is not a court and is not recognized by any European tribunal, but that does not change the fact that such a decision of this chamber somehow exists in legal transactions, even though it shouldn't,” he said. . Former head of the National Election Commission. – All documents, files and appeals in the case of Mr. Vasik are in this illegal extraordinary control chamber of the Supreme Court (…). What will the Speaker of the Parliament send to the Chamber of Labor? What documents will this chamber act on? – she said.

– So we have a big problem. Everything indicates that Mr. Vasik's mandate may remain empty until the end of the term, as it is impossible to start the procedure to fill it, Hermelinski emphasized.

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SOP, Ministry of Home Affairs and Administration and Police. “They were waiting to leave the presidential palace”
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