On Thursday, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, regarding the expiration of the mandate of the deputy Maciej Vasik.

Earlier, in connection with the sentencing of the deputies by the court, the speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, gave the issue of the expiration of the parliamentary mandate Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik of the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court.

The application was submitted to the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court after Supreme Court Judge Romuald Dalewski, who was supposed to hear Vesic's appeal to the Labor Chamber about the termination of the Sejm Speaker's decision, independently decided to postpone the proceedings.

Deputy Minister: As for the legal situation after the verdict, there are no obstacles

Journalists asked the Deputy Minister of Justice, Maria Eichart, to comment on the development of the situation in the case of Vasik and Kaminski.

– is the final decision of the court, by which they were sentenced to absolute imprisonment, and this is the basis for the execution of this sentence. Therefore, for the time being, nothing can protect them from this punishment. Of course, we know that the president can pardon, he has that right, we don't know what decision he will make and when,” said Eichart.

The politician noted that there are other possibilities. – Postponement of the execution of the prison sentence or termination of the execution of the sentence, for example, due to health conditions. However, as for the legal situation after the verdict, there are no obstacles to the execution of the sentence, he continued.

– I understand that the defenders of convicted persons also have the right to use all the possibilities provided by the law to postpone the execution of the sentence, because at the moment this only serves to postpone the execution of the sentence and not to prevent it. And I understand that they use them, but they are not an obstacle at the moment. If the court issues an arrest warrant, Mr. Kaminski and Mr. Vesic should be immediately arrested, as required by the regulations, and immediately taken to jail, Eichart added.

Eichart: They are no longer MPs

When asked about the status of PiS politicians, he replied that Kaminski and Vesik were not MPs.

Their mandate has expired. The case is in the Supreme Court, the appeal case is not about it, the Supreme Court will not decide whether the MPs are or not. He only exercises formal control over the decisions of the Speaker of the Seimas, but not substantive control, said the Deputy Minister of Justice.

President of the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court: the decision is void

– In my opinion, the decision rendered today by Judge-Rapporteur Romuald Dalewski is void, because it was issued by a single collegium, only the Judge-Rapporteur-said the President of the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court in an interview with Onet. Prof. Piotr Prusinovsky. As he explained, a three-person panel was appointed to consider the case.

The Extraordinary Control Chamber of the Supreme Court could not meet the conditions of independence and impartiality of the European Court.

Wąsik and Kaminski were sentenced

In December, the former head of the CBA and the former Minister of Internal Affairs, Mariusz Kaminski, and his former deputy, Maciej Wąsik, were sentenced to two years in prison for the so-called Land scandal.

PiS politicians do not recognize the court verdict. Both They appealed to the Supreme Court.

Also read:
Storm over Vesik and Kaminsky Mandates. Giertich reacts
Also read:
More speculation. We know what happened to Kaminski and Vesik's second pardon

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