Last week, at the request of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Svirski, the Meeting of President Andrzej Duda with members of the National Broadcasting Council As for changes in public media.

As the head of the presidential chancellery Gražina Ignacak-Bandić informed, the representatives of the council “presented their opinion about the created situation in the public media”. – The conclusions of the meeting are as follows: it is necessary to repair the public media and this issue should be resolved urgently – he emphasized.

He added that they also agreed that the National Broadcasting Council “as a constitutional body created for this purpose, will prepare a draft resolution and after its adoption will submit decisions to the President and the Council of Ministers”.

Kowalski: The president criticized the state of public media

Tadeusz Kowalski, a member of the National Broadcasting Council, appointed by the Senate in the previous term, was asked on TVN24 on Tuesday if the meeting with the president took place in an atmosphere of “outrage” about what the new government was doing in society. media.

– Not exactly. The president's statement actually consisted of two elements. First, he criticized the state of public media both before and after 2015. (…) He clearly said that he did not like the state of this media, reports Kowalski.

– He also recalled the well-known story of the trial Dismissal of Jacek Kurski, which ended in failure on his part. Then, of course, he spoke about the current actions of the Minister of Culture, although he was not angry here. I think he expressed a critical opinion, of course, that it is illegal (legal), – said a member of the National Broadcasting Council.

– I tried to point out that there is some legal basis for such an action, but then he actually focused on the fact that we have to somehow get out of this situation. What happened happened. This will not change. However, we have to find a way out of this situation, Kowalski said.

Behind the scenes of the meeting with the members of the National Broadcasting Council. “was a suggestion”

According to him, during the conversation with the president, “there was a suggestion that maybe we should go back to 2015, that is, step back, and therefore simply remove this small so-called Media Law and Law on National Media Council. Circulation.”

Kowalski assessed that RMN is “the root cause of the decline of public media” and should be liquidated.

Also read:
Prof. Zibertovich explains how public media can be reformed

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