According to Latvian Foreign Minister Krisjanis Karinshi, the Russian Federation still poses a threat to the whole of Europe, even if Ukraine regains all the territories occupied by Russia.

Russian threat

This is what Karins said Threat from Russia It will begin to grow as soon as the war with Ukraine ends, when Moscow begins to rebuild its army.

– The Russian government cannot improve the welfare of its society. Everything is aimed at finding an external enemy and forming the opinion that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest evil. Therefore (for the Moscow authorities – editor's note) it is necessary to return the lost territories. Sadly, this is not the Kremlin's war, but a war supported by the Russians. Russia is progressing in its imperialist expansion and is still a threat to Europe, the head of the Latvian Foreign Ministry said in a comment given to the Leta agency.

In his opinion, voices talking about a possible Russian victory are aimed at motivating the West to oppose such a scenario. Ukraine's defeat shows the Kremlin that its tactics are effective.

– This is an attack not only on Ukraine and Europe. This is an attack on the order established after the Second World War, in which the rule of law, not force, plays a decisive role, the Latvian politician said.

Mood in Russia

The Baltic countries are actively supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia. Politicians of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have repeatedly pointed out that the risk of Russian aggression against their countries is very high, therefore it is necessary to strengthen national defense capabilities.

Latvia's most important secret service, the Bureau for the Protection of the Constitution (SAB), reports that social apathy, depoliticization and mutual distrust are increasing in Russian society. At the same time, after the rebellion of the leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, public support for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation increased significantly.

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