As expected, according to the organizers Manifestation of PiS And Warsaw City Hall is very different in terms of attendance.

What is the turnout at the PiS demonstration?

Based on information received by event organizers, MP Przemysław Čarnek said the demonstration numbered around 300,000. participants.

– There are hundreds of thousands of us here. Thanks for that. Together we are strong, together we are one and together we will defeat this evil that spread after just 29 days. Mateusz Morawiecki's speech.

The evaluations of the capital city hall are completely different. – According to our estimation, based on the monitoring of the city, about 35,000 people participate in the meeting in front of the Sejm – said Monika Beut, the spokeswoman of the capital's office in an interview with Onet. Warsaw.

“Protest of Free Poles”

Protest of free PolesOrganized by Yaroslav Kaczynski's party, it started at 4 pm in front of the Seimas. PiS leading politicians made speeches. The participants of the rally moved to the headquarters of the TV news agency on Powstańców Warszawy Square.

The formation announced the demonstration as a form of opposition to the actions of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government towards the state media. The protest also concerns the imprisonment of PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

PiS supporters came to the capital from all voivodships. Mariusz Blaszczak, head of the PiS parliamentary club, said that buses going to Warsaw were stopped for inspection.

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Kaczynski spoke about the PiS protest. He spoke about the march in the institutions
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Kaminsky's wife: Do everything so that Bodnar decides to release our husbands

(translate tags)Activity of Free Poles

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