In a survey conducted by the Ariadna National Research Panel on behalf of Wirtualna Polska, interviewers asked respondents about their New Year's resolutions.

52 percent of the respondents answered that they had no decision by 2024. 35 percent of the respondents admitted that they had New Year's resolutions. However, 13 percent of the respondents chose the “difficult to say” option.

New Year's resolutions among Poles

Most respondents said they wanted to lead a more active lifestyle in the new year (20 percent of the response). 19 percent of the study participants said they “want to lose excess weight.”

Other New Year's resolutions included: saving money (16 percent of responses), looking after wellness (13 percent) and quitting smoking (11 percent), as well as: learning a new skill (7 percent of responses) and changing jobs. (7 percent). 7 percent chose other answers. respondents.

1067 people participated in the survey. The survey was conducted on December 8-10 using the CAWI method (completed survey in electronic form).

In 2022, the eToro social investment network asked for about 2,000 New Year's plans. Adult Poles. As it turned out, 72 percent of respondents have New Year's resolutions. Of all the resolutions that respondents have, 40 percent are related to financial issues: Poles planned to save more, work more or start investing more. However, health was at the top of New Year's resolutions. Most often, the plans were to take certain tests, improve fitness, take care of well-being and pursue passions.

According to scientists from the University of Scranton in the US, only 8-10 percent of people take it New Year's Resolutions makes his assumptions. This is mainly due to too many provisions and too generally formulated objectives.

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