Christmas, Christmas and after Christmas, but the Christmas tree is still standing. What can we do to keep it pleasing to our eyes for as long as possible? asked the owner of the plantation, Tomasz Petryk, about this.

The most important thing is the type of Christmas tree. – The Caucasian spruce stands the longest and does not lose its needles at all. It will only dry and bend in the long direction. However, the spruce is falling – begins the gardener. – Caring for a Christmas tree is the same, regardless of the variety, he adds.

Acclimatization of the Christmas tree at home

The main thing is to gradually strengthen the tree, which, although it will not be useful this year, will be useful next year. To give the Christmas tree time to adapt to the temperature of the house, it should be left bought Not on Christmas Eve 7-10 days before Christmas.

first days must spend outside or in a cool place. It can be a balcony, veranda or basement – all places where the temperature does not exceed 5 degrees Celsius.

After a few days, you can move it to a warm place for 2-3 days, such as the garage, and then to the house. However, please remember: The temperature in the house did not exceed 22 degrees Celsius.

Cooling and spraying are essential

– The most important is the Christmas tree He was not standing by the radiatorother very hot devices and was not exposed to direct blast of hot air, because it will dry quickly and kill it – explains our interlocutor.

In case of felled trees: Add water to the stand regularlyso that it never runs out. Potted trees need to be watered once every 2-3 days. You can add organic nutrients to the water along with magnesium and phosphorus, which will strengthen the needles and roots.

An expert advises us Spraying the Christmas tree At least twice a day to keep the needles wet. – Such a Christmas tree will hold up perfectly, because the needles also absorb moisture – he explains.

He adds: – If the customer has turned off the radiator and the house is cool, the Christmas tree has water and nutrients, it will stay standing for a very long time. If we stand on the balcony and don't enter the apartment at all, then that's it too Cutting will continue until May. It draws moisture from the air. And if we place it in a room at 23-24 degrees Celsius without proper spraying, it will dry after two weeks.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays?

The manufacturer offers potted Christmas trees Transplant into the garden after the holidays Or leave it on the balcony or terrace as a decoration. He was cut off Trees should be transported in a special container or Bio-waste container. You can also chop it up and make compost out of it.

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