Will this happen to us soon?

They want it very much.

The plan did not take place in Poland! so where

what power do we have

Are the police with us or not? Probably not Warsaw.

Is the President still, in accordance with the Constitution, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland?

Does Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army, General Wisław Kukula, support the rules of the Constitution and the provisions of the law, thus cooperating with the President?

Why did two generals, the commander of the Polish army, suddenly leave?

What position will modern secret services take?

Were the GPS system glitches in Poland a dress rehearsal for paralyzing driving and flying cars?

Have we secured the essential facilities of our infrastructure?

Could we suddenly run out of electricity, heat, gas and car fuel?

Does the National Security Bureau have a plan and know what to do in a crisis?

When and how can the president declare martial law?

Can foreign forces enter Poland?

In this satirical defense of the rule of law.

And what will we do then?


The questions are not structured or edited. These are free thoughts that have been spinning in my head like a broken carousel since yesterday.

I'm sure many Poles think the same way now.

By admin

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