Damian Schulz, who was one of the leaders of the Lublin team in this match, started the match with an effective attack. However, the team from Rzeszów made a mistake because it was unable to establish contact with the opponent for a long time. This ploy was successful only at the end, when Rzeszow ended the draw 21:21. Moreover, Giampaolo Medea's team was close to the lead but was less cool at the finish. Once again, everything was decided by Schultz, who first successfully attacked, and then showed a service ace.

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The second game was much more even, with a slight advantage for the visitors. This time, another striker was decisive for the fate of this party – Mateusz Malinowski, who took the task. From 21:22 he had three service aces and Tobias Brand finished the job. The Lublin team had at least one point in this match.

In the next game we again saw a good game between the visitors and their persecuted hosts. The problem is that Luke's players didn't capitalize on their chances. A prominent example of such action was the actions from 22:24. Massimo Botti's players had two match points, but first Jakub Kochanowski appeared in attack, and then Torrey Defalco served. It quickly became 26:24 and Resovia was still in the match.

The fourth set was as emotional for the fans as in the previous games. Schultz played great and Brand added to his points. Defalco, on the other hand, led the way and supported Stephen Boyer, who looked terrible in this match, in the offensive element. The Lublin team had several chances to win the match after Mackay Krysiak scored on Pawel Zatorski's serve. Despite everything, this game can be called a series of wasted opportunities, as no one was able to turn the lead into a victory and both teams wasted serves. After all, Resovia was stronger in this element and took advantage of the opponent's weakness, which lost four match points.

A tie-break is already a one-goal match, let's go back to football terminology. The Rzeszów team dominated a clearly broken Botti team and took advantage of good opportunities to play in the net. Clemen Sebi looked great, finishing most of the balls and it was mainly thanks to him that the team from Rzeszów came back from a long journey in the previous sets. He was the author of the last and decisive point, which decided to attack the capital of Podkarpackie a few minutes before midnight.

Asseco Resovia Rzeszów – Bogdanka LUK Lublin 3:2 (24:26, 22:25, 26:24, 30:28, 15:9)

MVP: Jakub Kochanowski (Aseco Resovia Rzeszów)

PI, Polsat Sport

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