“Who do you think is responsible for the constitutional crisis and confusion regarding Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik's decisions and parliamentary mandates?” – This was the question asked by the participants of the study commissioned by Wirtualna Polska.

The most, 34.4 percent. Respondents believed that Jaroslaw Kaczynski and the United Rightists in power in 2015-2023 were responsible for this. 25.8 percent of the respondents pointed to Donald Tusk and the current government majority, i.e. the Civic Coalition, the Third Way and the New Left. 20.3 percent believe that President Andrzej Duda is guilty.

The answer “I don't know/it's hard to say” was chosen by 19.5 percent. respondents.

As WP points out, the answers look quite different if you look at the voters of individual parties. Among those who vote for law and justice, 68 percent said Donald Tusk and the current government majority are to blame. 1 percent believe that Andrzej Duda is responsible for this, and 31 percent have no opinion on the matter.

53 percent of Civil Coalition voters believe Kaczynski and the United Right are responsible for the crisis, and 41 percent believe the president is to blame. 5 percent of the voters of this party chose Tusk and the current government majority. Only 1% have no opinion on this issue.

The largest percentage of third-way voters are undecided voters (42%). 35 percent believe that the president of PiS and the United Right are to blame, 20 percent believe that the president is to blame, and 3 percent believe that Tusk and the current government majority are to blame.

Among left-wing voters, 49 percent believe that Kaczynski and his formation are to blame, and 51 percent believe that Duda is to blame. Most voters Confederation (56%) blame the PiS president and his camp for the constitutional crisis, 31% the president and 13% Tusk and the current ruling coalition.

The research was conducted on January 10 of this year. per group of 1000 respondents using the CATI method.

(translate tags)Crisis in Poland

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