Why were PiS MPs Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik legally convicted and not yet sent to prison to serve a 2-year sentence for abuse of power? That's the question many Coalition voters are asking themselves on October 15, as seen on social media platforms. Their reservations were expressed on the 10th by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Markin Kierwinski (KO). Within hours, one sentence disappeared from his note: “Please understand this situation.”

Finally, what did the court sentence Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik for?

More than two weeks have passed since the trial legally convicted Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik For exceeding the authority, the so-called Land scandal. Its purpose was to discredit PiS's coalition partner at the time, Andrzej Leper and his Samoborona party. Punishment: Rigorous imprisonment for two years.

Justice system found PiS politicians in charge of secret services to have committed crimes Abuse of power. Convicted ex-MPs reiterate that they are innocent and continue to hold their parliamentary mandates, the expiration of which was confirmed by the Marshal of the Seimas after the final court verdict. Shimon Holavnia.

They were assisted by pseudo-judges of the Supreme Court promoted by PiS, assembled in a chamber that is not a court under Polish or European law. The pretext was an illegal attempt by President Andrzej Duda to pardon Kaminski and Vesic in 2015 (before the first instance verdict became final).

The final decision of the court and the gesture of Kozakiewicz Kaminsky

Recently, after the final verdict, Kaminski and Vesik entered the Sejm chamber and showed the painting to the applause of their PiS colleagues. Kozakiewicz's gesture (Why The president denies Jarosław Kaczyński of the party, although there are numerous recordings and photographs showing Kaminski placing his hands vulgarly).

Therefore, increasingly impatient voters of the parties forming the October 15 coalition are asking more and more loudly: when will Kaminski and Vesik go to prison?

Eventually, complaints against the new government became so loud that the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Marcin Kierwiński, responded. On Friday morning, he posted a note on X, which he later changed slightly. The sentence “Please understand this situation” is gone.

Minister Markin Kierwinski explains why the convicts are not in prison

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration responded to the calls of the citizens to bring the convicts Kaminski and Vesik to the police.

“Regarding the case of two former MPs – Kaminski and Vesik and the appeal to the police, we remind you that a court decision is required in accordance with Article 79, Paragraph 1 of the Election Code. Then the police will bring the former MPs to court. We act within the law. Kaminski and Wasik broke the law and abused their power. That is why the sentence was handed down today. We respect the law and do not abuse our authority. The police is waiting for the relevant court order,” wrote Minister Kiervinski.

In other words, Minister Kierwinski noted that without waiting for the court's order, the officers would have committed the same crime for which Wasik and Kaminski were convicted – exceeding their authority. Therefore, despite numerous calls, officers have not yet taken PiS politicians to prison.

Minister Kiervinski's position. Comments

Markin Kierwinski's announcement drew a quick response from X and many shares. There were many comments from internet users.

“And the court has already exceeded its deadline. People are angry. They can forgive you a lot. But not to bring these criminals to justice. You are losing,” Malgorzata wrote. User X Sebastian Radoszewski recalled how Zbigniew Ziobro laughed at the prospect of being held accountable for breaking the law in mid-November.

– I hope for you! I hope you will not turn out to be suckers, as it was in the case of the state tribunal vote – shouted Ziobro from the podium of the Seimas. In this way, he referred to the situation when, in September 2015, the PO-PSL majority, due to missing votes, did not present him to the state tribunal for his actions between 2005 and 2007, when the first PiS government was in power. .

“Thank you for this information, Mr. Minister… It is now clear to all of us that the ball is in the court…” wrote internet user Grzegorz Kozlowski on X. “Thank you for the explanation, it was urgently needed,” said Takai Owaka.

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