Icelandic authorities are monitoring the situation of the Grímsvötn volcano in the central part of the island. Recently, increased seismic activity has been observed in its area. When cracks appeared on the glacier above the volcano, the authorities decided to implement the “yellow” alert level.

A volcano located in the central part of Iceland Grimswatney located under the largest glacier in Europe – Vatnajokuli. Seismic activity in the volcano area has been higher than usual in recent months.

in the last days Cracks appeared in the glacier covering the volcano and a powerful glacial flow formed near Grímsvötn. – says the statement of the Meteorological Office of Iceland (IMO). in 1922, 1934 and 2004 A similar phenomenon preceded the eruption – reports the AFP agency.

Is Iceland at risk of another volcanic eruption? A warning has been issued

under conditions of increased seismic activity The authorities decided to introduce a “yellow” warning. This does not mean that an epidemic is imminent. The “red” level indicates the approaching eruption. Currently, the services are monitoring the situation, it is quite possible that the situation will return to normal in the next few days.

look: Iceland. The government is preparing for the eruption of the volcano. When erupted, he can use… water

last Grimsvotne erupted in 2011. Ash shot into the air, and then air traffic was disrupted. as a result of the eruption About 900 flights were canceled.

Volcanoes in Iceland. constant threat

On Tuesday, a warning appeared on the IMO website about the activity of the Swartseng volcano in the western part of the country. The last eruption occurred there in mid-December last year. Data collected by meteorologists indicate that the level of magma under the crust is constantly increasing. “It suggests The risk of an eruption increases in the coming days” – we read in the statement.

In November, the threat of a volcanic eruption on the Reykjavík peninsula led to the evacuation of residents of the port settlement of Grindavik. own Four thousand people were forced to leave their homes. In the end, the epidemic did not turn out to be as serious as expected, and after a little more than a month, the inhabitants were able to return to their homes.

look: Iceland: Streets crack and smoke rises from the ground. Experts warn of 'eruption cycle'

In the last two years total Four volcanic eruptions.

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