December 12, Grzegorz Brown using a fire extinguisher He blew out the Hanukkah candles in the Seimas. In response to the incident, Marshal Shimon Holonia expelled the confederation deputy from the meeting and sent a notification to the prosecutor's office about the possibility of committing a crime. Moreover, according to the decision of the Presidium of the Seimas, Brown will be deprived of half of his salary for three months and the full allowance of half a year of parliamentary work.

In turn, the confederation punished Grzegorz Brown by suspending the rights of a member of the parliamentary club and banning him from the rostrum of the parliament.

In response to the Grzegorz Braun incident, some parliamentarians called for the use of collective responsibility and the dismissal of one of the confederation's leaders, Krzysztof Bosak, from the position of Deputy Speaker of the Seimas.

The petition for Bosak's removal was submitted by the leftists. Marshal Shimon Holonia issued an ultimatum. – If the confederation decides that Mr. Brown should still have a place in its ranks, there should be no place for a representative of the confederation on Mr. Brown's board in the Presidium of the Seimas, he said.

Will Bosak remain the deputy speaker of the Seimas?

Voting should be held at the next session of the Seimas – Wednesday, January 10 Motion to dismiss Krzysztof Bosak from the post of deputy marshal. MP Grzegorz Braun will now be able to participate in the discussions.

According to “Rzeczpospolita” newspaper, Bosak will most likely retain the position of Deputy Speaker of the Seimas. – Bosak's fate depends on a top-down decision in the civil coalition. Their votes will determine the future of Bosak – one of the representatives of the Presidium of the Seimas told “RZ”. – After the Brown case, the dust was already settling – he added.

Interestingly, PiS is likely to vote for Bosak's release. – If Bosak is not in the presidium, there will be no representatives of the opposition. Those in power are showing the Poles how they treat the opposition in the temple of democracy, – one of the law and justice deputies told “RZ”.

At the end of December, Marshal Shimon Holonia divided the competences among his deputies. Deputy Marshal Krzysztof Bosak was responsible for matters related to parliamentary interpellations and questions, as well as the employment of assistants to members of parliamentary committees.

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Jaruzelska lost the program. All because of the Brown interview?
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“I will not repeat the absurdity.” The journalist was not satisfied with Bosak's answer

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