According to Onet, the Warsaw-Shrodmieski District Court has positively considered the requests of PiS politicians to postpone the execution of the imprisonment.

– Based on the submitted statements, no sentence execution order has been issued against the two persons convicted in this case, – said the judge Aleksandra Smik, the president of the Warsaw-Shrodmieski district court in an interview with the portal.

In the court's answer to the journalists' questions, it was emphasized that Kaminsky and Vasik submitted statements on the postponement of the execution of the legally imposed prison sentence (Article 151 of the Criminal Code) together with the statement on the suspension of the execution of the decision in this regard.

“By the court's decision, the applications were accepted, which led to the cancellation of the detention documents and removal orders,” he added.

Deadlock regarding parliamentary mandates

On Friday, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas regarding the expiration of the mandate of Mariusz Kaminski.

Earlier, the Extraordinary Control and Public Relations Chamber of the Supreme Court made a similar decision in the case of Deputy Maciej Vasik. The annulment of Shimon Holunia's decision means that both Kaminski and Vesik are still MPs and are protected by parliamentary immunity.

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