“Coalition 15 October” representatives ensure unanimity and unity at every step. However, the agreement ends where… the struggle for more power begins. Vice Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski assessed that the nearest scenario for the local self-government elections is “a repeat of the beginning in blocs similar to the parliamentary elections”.

– The situation will arise law and justice It will only get worse. They are waiting for us in the spring elections local government, in which the largest party of the right never lived up to its own expectations. Therefore, Jaroslaw Kaczynski's team faces the prospect of a Black April, and then a long period without much hope of regaining support – he said in a recent conversation from the series #Just a concept Prof. Rafal Chvedoruk.

Local elections 2024. Will the “Coalition of October 15” begin to split?

However, it seems that PiS will gain a certain advantage in the fight for the positions of city presidents, mayors, heads of communes and seats in city councils and assemblies. Speaking on Radio Trójka on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Affairs Krzysztof Gawkowski discussed a scenario in which the closest to reality should be implemented. “Coalition 15 October” It will be divided into three blocks again.

At the moment, I think the most immediate scenario is that we repeat the start with blocs similar to the parliamentary elections, and these will be blocs that unite the civil coalition, the third way and the left.Krzysztof GawskowskiAbout local elections in the “Troika political salon”

politican New left However, he noted that his formation is open to “different scenarios”. This is still under discussion with management Civil coalition and The third way During the January negotiations.

– At the elections – before and before us – the leftists will clearly announce that they are ready to participate in large coalition blocs. If other partners want to create such a four-party bloc, we are ready – Gavkovski said in the “Troika political salon”.

how Let us know at naTemat.pl, Local elections should be held on April 7, 2024. This date was initially indicated by the Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The Codex leader also revealed which election strategy he considers to be the best.

– If it were up to me, I would gladly go to one front – said Tusk at the press conference held after the last meeting of the government. – There are “pros” and “againsts”. It looks different in different voivodships. Of course, I will not impose anything, he added.

Campaign marathon in 2024. European Parliament elections will also be held in the spring

We remind you that this year the “Coalition of October 15” will once again take the election exam. Tusk and company must also decide on the formula they will fight with European Parliament electionswhich will be held at the beginning of June.

– The fight for the European Parliament will be especially important for the future of the current government. Will it be possible to recreate the European coalition? In my opinion, this is the only way for them to win this election. If they pass a few blocks, it will probably end with a victory for PiS – In an interview with naTemat.pl, Prof. Antony Dudek.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/531760,prof-dudek-ma-wazna-rade-dla-holowni-chodzi-o-to-co-wkrotce-sie-wydarzy

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