In 2021, Artur Orzech ended his cooperation with TVP and emphasized that he no longer intended to represent the image of Telewizja Polska created by Jacek Kurski. After a hiatus of about three years, the host will rejoin the channel's team, where, among other things, he will act as a Eurovision commentator.

Artur Orzechi returns to TVP after a break. “It was hard to say no”

Arthur Orzech He has been pursuing a music journalism career for several decades. It was like that until 2021 Popular Eurovision commentator In TVP and the host “Chance of Success”However, later he left the public broadcaster in a cloudy atmosphere scandal.

He should not have appeared at the recording of the charity episode of “Szansa na success” without first informing his colleagues about it. After that, the journalist informed on the social network that it was not TVP that broke the contract with the television, but he with the television.

The motivation for this was the composition of the artists prepared for the special episode. The nut said so He left televisionand because Jan Pietrzak and the disco-pol group Boys “It's None of His Business”.

– It didn't happen the way Polish television presented it – that is, I didn't say anything to anyone, I kept silent and didn't appear on the recordings. This is some kind of fraud. If this was indeed the case, where would Marek Sierok come from? Was he going along the corridor on the S-5 towards Voronitsa? He was not pulled out of a hat like a rabbit. “The production knew I wouldn't be there, so they used me as a replacement,” he explained to Plejada.

– I have documents that clearly show that failure to appear at the records will result in a financial penalty. I paid the fine, which means I left the cooperation with TV Polska, not the other way aroundHow did they try to present this situation – he added.

In an interview with the same website, Orzech talked about the work going on behind the scenes TVP. He said that he felt the influence of politics on his work for the first time at the festival held in Opole in 2017.

– I felt it for the first time before the 2017 Opole festival. I found that it clearly exists The “black list” included Kaya, Kasia Nosowska and other artistswho were not allowed to speak in Opole – said Orzech.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” reported about it then. Kayah should have been a hit with Jacek Kurski Participation in the demonstrations of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy and Black Protest.

– The then president of TVP defended himself by saying that this is not true. If it were me, in order to avoid attacks, I would invite those who are on the ostensibly excluded list to the festival. But he didn't do it. These artists did not perform in Opole. So I get the impression that this “blacklist” existed. This made me very angry. I protested and declared that I would not apply for the “Prime Minister” contest, he recalls.

Even after leaving TVP, the journalist continued his interest in Eurovision, with which he has been associated since 1992. He commented on this on his YouTube channel. In 2021, his live broadcast attracted more than 130,000 viewers. A year later, the number dropped slightly to over 95,000 views, and last year it had 85,000 viewers.

Now, after the break, Eurovision fans will have the opportunity to listen to Orzekhi's comments once again. He confirmed this information in an interview given to “Preservice”. But this is only one story about his return.

I heard two questions from TVP leaders. First, I will comment on the Eurovision Song Contest. I said yes. It was hard to say no, because I dedicated half of my professional life to Eurovision. There was also the question of whether I would return to Chance of Success. I also agreed in advance – she said.

A career as a popular Eurovision commentator

Artur Orzech finished his studies… University of Warsaw in Iranology. However, he was always attracted to music and in the 1980s founded the rock group Róże Europa. After a while, he started working on the radio. It hit number one and soon moved to number three.

He even had his own radio show there: Nuts and the Rest. For nearly a decade, he also hosted the “Third Program Hit Lists.” In the fall of 2017, due to the actions of the then director of Trójka, Viktor Šwietlik, he left the station.

His adventure with TVP began in the 1990s. At first he hosted the program “Muzyczna Jedynka”. He then hosted the following formats: “Your Hit List”, “Muzyczny Serwis Jedynki, Studio Orzech”, Śpiewaj i walcz”, “The World Is Turning” and “Chance for Success” and commented on the Eurovision Song Contest every year.

In June 2021, Orzekh joined the editorial team of the online radio station and was also active on social media.

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