Edward Mischak has been Polsat's program director for several months, so he has already had the opportunity to test himself in the new role during the station's fall schedule. But it turned out that Some of his decisions were not the best. Some of the programs he proposed failed in terms of viewers and will not be continued or aired in the spring.

One of Miszczak's flagship ideas, after moving from TVN to Polsat, was to create a new breakfast program on the air, similar to “Dzień Dobry TVN” or “Pytanie na Śniadanie” TVP2. It now appears that this idea will not be implemented in the spring schedule.

Polsat breakfast menu. What about Edward Mishchak's statements?

The first information that Polsat was to have its own breakfast service appeared in the media a few months ago. In August 2023, Eduard Mischak admitted in an interview with Wirtualnemedia.pl that the breakfast program was in the works. – I hope that the project that we will implement next year will be successful – Polsat program director said then.

As Wirtualne Media points out, it is unofficially known that Polsat has already made attempts to include breakfast in the schedule in the past, but they ended in failure.

It will be the same this time.

Spring schedule. There is no place for the breakfast program

According to Wirtualne Media, Polsat's spring schedule includes, among others: the return of the 20th anniversary edition of the show “Your Face Sounds Familiar”, a new edition of “Ninja Warrior Polska”, a new season of “Przyjaciółki” and “Dancing Stars. Taniec z Gwiazdami”.

Polsat will not continue the reality shows “Temptation Island Polska” or “Real Housewives. Warsaw Wives”. The disastrous results of these broadcasts led to rumors in the media Edward Mishchak's direct layoff for the spring schedule.

According to the portal Wirtualnemedia.pl, there will be no breakfast TV in Polsat's upcoming spring schedule.

– We do not understand about working on this program, – says the employee of the station in an interview with the website.

Currently, Polsat's morning band is played by the news group “New Day with Polsat News” every day from 6:00 AM to 8:40 AM. It includes, among others: the stars of the station and talks about projects carried out by the entire Polsat Plus group.

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