obtained the latest opinion on the budget prepared by the National Bank of Poland. For the first time, it was directly written that Donald Tusk's government cannot pay PLN 6 billion from the bank's profits to the state treasury, which was provided for in the previous version of the budget prepared during the PiS government. what is this about – The money will not enter the budget because there is no money – said Dr. Edyta Wojtyla from the WSB Merito University in Poznań in the WP “Newsroom” program. – It was planned when the year was not yet over, so I am not surprised by this situation. When there is no money, he looks everywhere and gets into different things, until he is only on paper. I think that even if PiS won the elections, it would not be money. It's time to stop spending money we don't have. Budget expenses have increased significantly and incomes have decreased. Today we have a situation where such a large amount, important for the budget, was taken from space. Where did it come from in the middle of last year…


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