Embargo “We have to hold on until we negotiate terms that will replace this situation, that is, limit the amount of inflow of agricultural products,” Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Siekierski told Radio News Agency.

– There is no set deadline here. Commissioner Dombrovsky, he already wrote us a letter on this issue, asking us to start negotiations, and we are going to negotiate with them and introduce some regulations for Ukraine by the European Union,” added the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The politician emphasizes that the export of Ukrainian grain should be carried out in a different way from the European one, including through the territory of Poland. – Because always, even in transit, there is a certain risk that part of this grain and other agricultural products will remain on the territory of Poland – he explained.

In addition, Minister Siekierski assured that Poland wants to help Ukraine, but “regulations on quotas and transition periods are needed” and therefore this issue should be resolved together with the European Union.

Poland's ban on imports of Ukrainian grain and some other agricultural products has been in effect since September, when the EU embargo expired. However, Warsaw later announced unilateral restrictions on Ukrainian imports.

At the end of December, Minister Czeslaw Siekierski held the first talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solski. The parties agreed to continue consultations at the expert level.

Another product from Ukraine flooded Poland. The industry is attractive

In mid-December, the National Association of Sugar Beet Producers (KZPBC) asked the new Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Czeslaw Siekierski, for an immediate ban on sugar imports from Ukraine, such as Slovakia and Hungary, to protect Polish entrepreneurs. . “After the temporary suspension of customs duties and quotas on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, the import of sugar from Ukraine to the European Union has increased several tens of times,” the representatives of the Polish sugar industry note.

As they explain, the countries bordering Ukraine suffer the most from this. “In recent months, Poland and other countries bordering Ukraine have seen a significant drop in sugar prices, making Polish industry and agriculture less competitive than their Western European partners,” the letter reads.

Also read:
Missile attack on Ukraine. Russia has incurred huge costs

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