30/12/2023, 11:45

According to Onet, Danuta Holecka will make her debut on Republika TV today (screen: Wiadomosci.tvp.pl)

According to unconfirmed media reports, Danuta Holecka, anchor of the now defunct propaganda TV channel “Wiadomości” TVP, has found a new job at TV Republika, station of Tomasz Sakievic. Press.pl reported on Holecka's appearance in the studio of “Republica” TV company on Wednesday evening – however, we could not confirm this information with another source. Onet reports on this on Friday.

Also read: already confirmed. TVP propaganda star Danuta Holetska brought TV company “Today” to TV company “Republica”

Holetska should move to “Republica” TV company after Michal Rachon, who will present his program “Ijiemi” on TVP Info. Information about the transfer of “Wiadomości” host is unofficially distributed by Onet.

TV company “Republika” employs people dismissed from TVP

The portal reports that Danuta Holecka will make her debut on TV Republika today, Friday, December 29, in the main edition of the TV company's news program.

Also read: Michal Rachon, program director of TV Republika. The station expanded its terrestrial coverage

As we are reporting today, Michal Rachon has already moved to the television channel managed by Tomas Sakievich, who, in addition to being the presenter, will also perform the duties of program director there. As Sakievic explained to “Presserwis”, Rakhon took a position that did not exist for two years. In the past, this function was performed by, among others: Witold Newelitz. Michal Rachon did not respond to a question about whether he planned to change the station's offering.

Until last week, Rachoń was associated with TVP, but after the change of president from Mateusz Matiszkowicz to Tomasz Szygut and the suspension of TVP Info, he hastily transferred his program “Jedziemy” to TV Republika and changed the name to “Jedziemy. Michał Rachoń”. “. He also hosts programs in English, which are broadcast on the night TV Republika channel.

Rachon previously worked at TV Republika. He was also a law and justice activist.

Tomasz Sakievic has already announced actions aimed at bringing PiS propagandists fired from public media to his station. He also asked viewers to donate to the channel account. – A campaign is underway to support Republic TV, thank you very much for the donations. You can also donate to the Independent Media Foundation. There we pay those journalists who are fired and whom we want to transfer to TV Republika – said Sakievich on the air.

Also read: Income of the former heads of TAI – Adamchik received the most despite the long vacation

(HAD, 30/12/2023)

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