A document published by KO MP Dariusz Ionski shows:that Michal Adamczyk earned PLN 372,593.71 in total as head of the TV news agency (since April), and as part of his business activities – PLN 1,127,664 including VAT.

Samuel Pereira, deputy director of TAI, received 439,755.17 PLN since April.

Markin Tulicki, as deputy head of TAI (since May), earned PLN 417,354.33 and PLN 296,340 in total civil law contracts.

The total salary of Rafal Kwiatkowski, also the deputy director of the agency, was PLN 366,948.03 gross, and that of Jarosław Olechowski, as director of TAI, was PLN 1,016,450.34 gross and PLN 407,625 gross in respect of civil law contracts.

The specified amounts refer only to 2023.

Tusk on TVP journalists: they will probably have to give this money to the state

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, while commenting on the income of TVP's leading journalists, wrote “probably yes”.


Grabiec: Everyone will answer

The head of the Prime Minister's Office, Jan Grabiecs, was asked on TVN24 on what basis the Prime Minister says that it will be possible to take money from the former heads of TVP.

– Legal analysis continues. Of course, if something illegal happened, if there were any obvious contracts, especially this double act that on the one hand someone was employed, had a contract and on the other hand his company received money, it is not known for what. Everything will be investigated. Whether through civil proceedings or otherwise, criminal or fiscal charges, it will all be determined, Grabiek said.

According to him, “everyone should know who is in power today and who was in power and who performed the most important functions in the government media with the support of the government, that they will be held accountable.” – In the end, the court will evaluate. No matter how important they were, they will be subject to the same law as everyone else – said the head of the Prime Minister's Office.

Also read:
Cookie on TVP income: Orlos' translation absolutely blew me away

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