On Monday, Andrzej Duda met with Donald Tusk in the presidential palace. The Prime Minister waited for the President for a few minutes, and the conversation itself was not so light and pleasant for both politicians. In this regard, they remembered how the late President Lech Kaczynski hosted the PO leader in the past.

“On Wednesday at 10:30, President Lech Kaczynski received Prime Minister Donald Tusk in the presidential palace. During the face-to-face conversation, the President and the Prime Minister discussed the upcoming EU summit and the promotion of Polish candidates for EU positions. The head of government handed over the report of Lech Kaczynski “Poland 2030. Development challenges” – This was a message on the website president.pl June 17, 2009.

They recalled how Kaczynski approached Tusk. They must drink a lot of wine at one meeting

After Monday A one-on-one meeting Andrzej Duda and Donald Tusk portal Onet He recalled several situations from the past when he received a PO leader as prime minister – not only in the presidential palace – The late Lech Kaczynski. Many of these meetings – despite the fact that both politicians were from different parties – often took place in a friendly atmosphere. And some of them became legendary.

In the summer of 2007, the Kaczynski-Tusk meeting received significant media coverage, during which the politicians – as reported by “Dzienik” – concluded a “pact on the end of the parliamentary term” and reached an agreement on the date of early parliamentary elections. .

This was reported by Michal Karnovski, who worked in “Dziennik” at that time Tusk and Kaczynski parted almost as friendsAnd they drank while talking in the Belvedere Four red Italian wines Ocra Strozzi since 2005.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/536339,tusk-odpowiedz-dudzie-chodzi-o-powiedzy-w-prokuraturze-i-skazanych-z-pis

During that meeting, both politicians seemed to switch to “you” again. “Mr. President,” Tusk was about to begin. But Kaczynski interrupted. “Come on, Donald, we've known each other for so many years, let's call each other by our first names,” she said. – writes the newspaper.

– The Chancellery of the President called Donald Tusk and invited him to a meeting with President Lech Kaczynski – he confirmed to “Dziennik” Adam BilanThen the speaker of PiS.

According to reports, Tusk went into the meeting in a fighting mood and wanted to “find out directly what he thinks about this whole mess.” instead of 15 minutes However, the conversation with President Kaczynski… lasted for four hours. – They talked like old friends. They were laughing and reminiscing – said Bilan.

Tusk: “PiS president is like a cookie monster”

After the early elections of 2007 PiS was defeated, Donald Tusk became the new Prime Minister and Yaroslav Kaczynski He joined the opposition. At the end of March 2008, the head of the PO met again with President Kaczynski – this time in Hell. IN Jurata They need to talk about it Ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon.

We could not find out the details of the meeting, because it took place in private. “The atmosphere was quite familiar, people ate and drank five bottles of wine. This may have influenced the low specificity of this conversation. And each of them probably remembered what they wanted,” said close associates of Tusk and Kaczynski. In an interview with “Dziennik”.

However, the meeting in Yurata was notable for another reason. Later, Jaroslaw Kaczynski said that during this conversation he called the president and on the receiver he heard – in his opinion from Tusk – “The Monster Calls”.

The then Prime Minister He did not confirm it, but he did not deny it eitherthis Jaroslaw Kaczynski was called a “monster”. Tusk, in response to a journalist's question on this issue, replied that Jaroslaw Kaczynski, “if he associates him with a monster, it is a 'cookie' with a monster and therefore pleasant.”

– Of course, nothing bad – insisted the PO leader. He also said that “it is said that different people who work under tension sometimes hear different voices”.

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