In an interview with RMF FM, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz Wojciechowski assured that his actions are “for the good of Polish farmers” and “there are no political barriers that will make it difficult”.

– My task is to ensure that farmers benefit as much as possible from Poland's accession to the European Union and EU funding. The main thing is to act in such a way that it serves Polish farmers, he said.

Dispute with Ukraine. “Quick approval” from the European Commission?

Janusz Wojciechowski informed that he already had a conversation with the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czeslaw Siekierski, whom – as he emphasized – he knew from the period of working in the Polish People's Party. It is natural that the commissioner and the minister of agriculture cooperate with each other in agriculture issues, he said.

According to RMF FM, the European Commissioner assured Minister Siekierski that it is possible for the European Commission to “quickly agree” on the PLN 1 billion maize subsidy, which is the main request. Farmers are organizing a protest at the border posts with Ukraine. We remind you that on November 6, several dozen Polish carriers started blocking three border points with Ukraine. These are Korczowa, Dorohusk and Hrebenne. Among others, the participants of the rally demand: the introduction of commercial permits for the transportation of goods for Ukrainian companies (except for humanitarian aid and supplies for the Ukrainian army), the suspension of licenses of companies created after the start of the war in Ukraine and the implementation of their inspections, as well as the liquidation of the so-called Electronic queue introduced by the Ukrainian side. At the end of November, farmers started protesting at Medica border point and announced that the action will continue until January.

PiS Commissioner for cooperation with the Tusk government

The European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development said in an interview with RMF FM that he is open to cooperation with Donald Tusk and his government. “It doesn't matter what my name is,” he said.

– Of course, I understand that there is no chance of a second term. I still have a year left in my mandate and I have many tasks ahead of me. I, first of all, think about this, or at least exclusively about these tasks, and not in the long term – said Janusz Wojciechowski.

Also read:
Will the Tusk government maintain the embargo on Ukrainian grain? He is the Minister of Agriculture

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