In his opinion, such a step should be taken at the summit held in Washington in July 2024. Zelensky spoke about this in a conversation with journalists in Riga.

– We want to see a real step on the part of NATO countries will bring Ukraine closer to the alliance. To avoid stagnation. In order for this to be a successful and productive summit and for NATO countries to show that they are not afraid of Russia, Zelensky noted.

The President of Ukraine said that the results of the work of the NATO-Ukraine Council confirm the effectiveness of this cooperation tool, which allows to improve communication between partner countries in solving issues important to Kyiv.

– We used this tool and I saw how quickly you can organize partners, how quickly you can organize meetings at the level of ministers of defense, ministers of foreign affairs, etc. – said Volodymyr Zelensky. He added that the work on security guarantees started after the adoption of the joint declaration of the G7 and Ukraine at the NATO summit in Vilnius.

Security guarantees

– We started working on security guarantees. It is not easy, but I think that soon we will be able to show the public – and not only Ukrainian – the first such project. Not everything, because some records are secret, but we will be able to show general things. I think the assessment will be positive, – said Zelensky.

He added that the security guarantees include not only the supply of weapons, but also financial, IT and cyber support, which is a step on Ukraine's path to NATO.

At the July summit in Vilnius, the Alliance, in the face of opposition from the US and German leaders, not only refused to allow Ukraine to join NATO, but also set a new condition: to receive the invitation, Ukraine must meet the established requirements. in the Annual National Program (ANP).

In turn, at the end of November, at the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, Kiev presented an adapted document that includes further reforms in accordance with the requirements of the alliance. Based on this, NATO members will assess Kyiv's progress towards membership.

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