Is Daniel Martyniuk following in his father's footsteps? The son of the King of Discopolo has just released his debut single. The first reaction from listeners has already appeared under the song “I will never forget”.

Daniel Martyniuk Until now he was famous Son of Danuta and Zenon Martyniuk and its numerous scandals. Just a few days ago, the police arrested him in Zakopane because he was “disturbing the peace in the hotel”.

Moreover, in the Onet report, an employee of the facility said that Martyniuk allegedly “attacked his wife.”

Zenek's son released a song by Discopolo

This time, Daniel surprised… with a song. He sang “I will never forget.” Responsible for publishing the song Marcin Killianwho once worked with Rafal Brzozovsky.

The music video of Martyniuk's debut song was released on the Internet on January 5. In the clip, among others: his wife Faustina Jamiolkowska-Martiniuk, as well as a shot from their wedding, which took place in Bali at the end of October last year.

Internet users started commenting. Opinions are divided. “Mega, it's beautiful”, “Promises a hit”, “Great performance”, “Great song, I predict a hit” – write some. Others are not so impressed and accuse him of scandals. “I'll never forget the cell in Zakopane”, “Did it end up in the police or after a few days the commotion?” – we read in the comments.

Marcin Kilian recently gave an interview to “Fakt”. – Daniel is very musical, he has a great voice. I took it to the studio and did a test, just like I did to 100 people, and in my studio it was half a Polish scene. (…) Cooperation with him is risky, but I like challenges. He can definitely contribute a lot to the music industry if he is polite, he noted.

– Daniel should have a psychologist, like athletes, a behavior manager. Someone has to find it eventually. Various things can happen on a wave of success, both positive and negative. It will definitely get in the way again, there will be scandals, it cannot be avoided – he said.

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